Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Post

I guess I may be jumping the gun a little bit in setting this blog up a month before summer, but here it goes anyway.
This summer I'll be remaining at school since I've received a generous grant to conduct research on the nesting behavior of native birds in the Channel Islands off the California coast. Possibilities for soap-opera-like moments abound and I want to be able to share my excitement with people beyond myself so I don't become "that crazy bird girl" who spends all of my time alone in the lab.
I'm also taking part in a self-guided research course on Environmental Food History, which should yield some entertaining insights as well. 
I'm hoping to be back up in Oregon for the last two weeks of August and cramming as much Zoo Camp as I possibly can into that much-smaller-than-desired time-span, which of course will provide some entertaining stories of its own.
Stay tuned for further updates!

Thanks for Reading! Cheers, Molly.

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